When you can't go to church anymore, shouldn't church come to you?
The St. Panteleimon Ministry brings church services to those who can no longer attend on their own. For many who live in Northeast Ohio senior living communities, our ministry is the only opportunity they have to take part in group prayer services. We welcome all who wish to worship the Holy Trinity in the Orthodox manner.
We serve the Greater Cleveland area. See where services are currently held.
Give the gift of church.
sign up for our weekly e-devotional
The St. Panteleimon ministry is pleased to offer a weekly devotional to senior living communities, residents of those communities, and the general public. The devotional consists of an overview of the saints remembered by the Orthodox Church in the week ahead, as well as prayers for various intentions, quotes from select saints of the Church, a prayer list, and the prescribed readings for each day.
Please click here if you would like to be added to our email list.
Dear Friends,
Imagine living in a place where the days are long, loneliness is common, and spiritual nourishment is scarce. Many of our elders in nursing homes and assisted living communities long for the comfort of faith, yet have limited access to it.
At St. Panteleimon Orthodox Christian Outreach, we bring the love of Christ to these residents through in-person and online prayer services, Bible studies, and compassionate ministry—meeting them where they are and offering hope, healing, and connection. We have held more than 3,000 on-site prayer services in senior living communities since our ministry was founded in 2010.
Our ministry seeks to share with those who are unable to go church an opportunity to participate in the life of the greater Orthodox community. We also reach out to the non-Orthodox so that they can discern whether they wish to be in union with us.
With your generous, tax-deductible donation, you can help us:
Expand our in-person reach to more nursing homes and assisted living communities in Northeast Ohio
Provide Orthodox Christian resources for residents seeking spiritual enrichment
Offer more online programming, via livestreams, for shut-ins and those who are hospitalized
Minister to those curious about the Orthodox Faith
Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference in the lives of those who often feel forgotten. Will you give prayerful consideration to helping us?
[Donate Online] Visit our Donation Page
[Donate by Check]
Donations may be sent to:
St Panteleimon Orthodox Christian Outreach
PO Box 232
Avon, OH 44011
Thank you for helping us bring Christ’s love and presence to those who need it most.
I wish you all a spiritually profitable Great Lent, and a blessed and joyous Pascha!
In Christ,
Gerald Largent
Ministry Coordinator
St. Panteleimon Orthodox Christian Outreach
our most receNt Broadcast
Monday, March 24, 8am… 3rd and 6th Hours
Upcoming Broadcast Schedule
Wednesday, March 26, 8am… 3rd and 6th Hours
Thursday, March 27, 6:30pm… Vespers
Monday, March 31, 8am… 3rd and 6th Hours
Tuesday, April 1, 8am… 3rd and 6th Hours
Wednesday, April 2, 8am… 3rd and 6th Hours
Thursday, April 3, 6:30pm… Vespers
Monday, April 7, 8am… 3rd and 6th Hours
Tuesday, April 8, 8am… 3rd and 6th Hours
Wednesday, April 9, 8am… 3rd and 6th Hours
Thursday, April 10, 6:30pm… Vespers
Monday, April 14, 8am… 3rd and 6th Hours
Tuesday, April 15, 8am… 3rd and 6th Hours
Wednesday, April 16, 8am… 3rd and 6th Hours
Julie’s story
Julia (Julie) Hendrick is the inspiration behind the founding of the St. Panteleimon Ministry. She relentlessly pursued her lifelong faith in the Orthodox Christian Church, even when her ailing health made it difficult.
Recent Articles
“Through St Panteleimon’s ministry, God gave Nora, and all of us who knew and loved her, a great gift: she was able to use the last season of her life to prepare herself for eternity.”
About The Ministry
St. Panteleimon Orthodox Christian Outreach is a Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.
About St. Panteleimon
The name of the holy GreatMartyr and Healer Panteleimon is invoked in the Sacrament of Anointing the Sick, at the Blessing of Water and in the Prayer for the Sick.
Request a Visit
We are available to visit your loved ones nursing homes and hospitals within the Greater Cleveland area.