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A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.


A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.

Prayer List for the Week of June 20, 2021

Gerald Largent

For healing: Fr. Daniel, Fr. Ephraim, Fr. John, Matushka Myra, Matushka Katherine, Monk Meletios, Ross, Justin, Steven, Marian, Roger, Nancy, Claire, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, William, Annabelle, Alice, Kathleen, Jay, Denise, Denise, Heather, Alexander, John, Karen, Pamela, Robert, Peter, Eric, Michael, Melissa, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Rose Mary, Marianne, Timothy, Jon, Emily, Charles, Carlos, Hank, Nicholas, Katrina, Valentine, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Kathleen, Thomas, Mary Jo, Margaret, John, Jennifer, Clara, Joan, Sarah, Alex, Nicholas, Barbara, Margaret, Patricia, Alyssa, Danielle, Nicholas, Christopher, Tricia, Susan, Christopher, Joshua, Susan, Kathleen, Walter, Patty, Michael

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Aurel, Nikolaos, Virginia, Ann, Audrey, Virginia, Terri

Readings for the Week of June 20, 2021

Gerald Largent

6/20: Acts 2:1-11; John 7:37-52; 8:12

6/21: Ephesians 5:9-19; Matthew 18:10-20

6/22: Romans 1:1-7, 13-17; Matthew 4:25-5:13

6/23: Romans 1:18-27; Matthew 5:20-26

6/24: Romans 13:11-14:4; Luke 1:1-25, 57-68, 76, 80

6/25: Romans 1:28-2:9, 14-29; Matthew 5:27-41

6/26: Romans 1:7-12; Matthew 5:42-48

Typica Service for June 18, 2021; The Final Day of Ascension; The Holy Martyr Leontios

Gerald Largent

Christ is Ascended! Truly He is Ascended!

St. Panteleimon Orthodox Christian Outreach thanks you for joining us as we worship the Holy Trinity.

Today is June 18, 2021. It is the Final Day of Ascension. On this day of the month the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Martyr Leontios.

The prescribed readings are: Acts 27:1-44 and John 17:18-26.

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

Words from the Saints -- June 17, 2021

Gerald Largent

"What is more precious than anything in the world? Time! And what do we waste uselessly and without being sorry? Time! What do we not value and what do we disregard more than anything? Time! When we waste time, we lose ourselves. Time is given by God to use correctly for the salvation of the soul and the acquisition of the life to come. The Lord will call us to account for having stolen time for our own whims, and for not using it for God and our souls." --St. Sebastian of Optina

"The remembrance of Jesus’ sufferings cures the remembrance of wrongs, which is mightily shamed by His forbearance." --St John Climacus

"A saint-like soul helps its neighbor and when ill-treated by him is patient, enduring what it suffers at his hands." --St. Thalassios the Libyan

"When elated by praise, be sure disgrace will follow; for it is said: 'Whoever exalts himself will be humbled' (Luke 14: 11)." --St. Mark the Ascetic

Prayer List for the Week of June 13, 2021

Gerald Largent

For healing: Fr. Daniel, Matushka Myra, Matushka Katherine, Monk Meletios, Ross, Justin, Steven, Marian, Roger, Nancy, Claire, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, William, Annabelle, Alice, Kathleen, Jay, Denise, Denise, Heather, Alexander, John, Karen, Pamela, Robert, Peter, Eric, Michael, Melissa, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Rose Mary, Marianne, Timothy, Jon, Emily, Charles, Carlos, Hank, Nicholas, Katrina, Valentine, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Kathleen, Thomas, Mary Jo, Margaret, John, Jennifer, Clara, Joan, Sarah, Alex, Nicholas, Barbara, Margaret, Patricia, Alyssa, Danielle, Nicholas, Eliakim, Christopher, Tricia, Susan, Christopher, Joshua, Susan, Kathleen, Walter, Patty, Michael

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Violet, Doina, Aurel, Nikolaos, Virginia, Ann, Audrey, Virginia

Readings for the Week of June 13, 2021

Gerald Largent

6/13: Acts 20:16-18, 28-36; John 17:1-13

6/14: Acts 21:8-14; John 14:27-15:7

6/15: Acts 21:26-32; John 16:2-13

6/16: Acts 23:1-11; John 16:15-23

6/17 Acts 25:13-19; John 16:23-33

6/18: Acts 27:1-44; John 17:18-26

6/19: Acts 28:1-31; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17; John 5:24-30; 21:15-25

Words from the Saints -- June 10, 2021

Gerald Largent

"Prayer is called a virtue, but in reality it is the mother of the virtues: for it gives birth to them through union with Christ." --St. Mark the Ascetic

"Love and humility form a holy pair; what the first builds, the second binds, thus preventing the building from falling asunder." --St. John Climacus

"A person is humble when he knows that his very being is on loan to him." --St. Maximos the Confessor

"He who restrains his mouth from speech guards his heart from passions." --St. Isaac the Syrian

"How absurd and unnatural are anger and rage. Look at the face of a gentle person — how beautiful it is… but look at the face of an angry one: it is restless, gloomy and ugly." --St. John of Kronstadt

"There is still time for endurance, time for patience, time for healing, time for change. Have you slipped? Rise up. Have you sinned? Cease. Do not stand among sinners, but leap aside." --St. Basil the Great

"Shun the satisfactions of this age, so as to be happy in the age to come. Do not be sad when you are cursed by men; be sad when you sin--this is the true curse." --St. Pachomius the Great

Prayer List for the Week of June 6, 2021

Gerald Largent

For healing: Fr. Daniel, Matushka Myra, Matushka Katherine, Monk Meletios, Ross, Justin, Steven, Marian, Roger, Nancy, Claire, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, William, Annabelle, Alice, Kathleen, Jay, Denise, Denise, Heather, Alexander, John, Karen, Pamela, Robert, Peter, Eric, Michael, Melissa, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Rose Mary, Marianne, Timothy, Jon, Emily, Charles, Carlos, Hank, Nicholas, Katrina, Valentine, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Kathleen, Thomas, Mary Jo, Margaret, John, Jennifer, Clara, Joan, Sarah, Alex, Nicholas, Barbara, Margaret, Patricia, Alyssa, Danielle, Nicholas, Eliakim, Christopher, Tricia, Susan, Christopher, Joshua, Susan, Kathleen, Walter, Patty

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Nancy, Violet, Doina, Aurel, Nikolaos, Virginia, Ann

Readings for the Week of June 6, 2021

Gerald Largent

6/6: Acts 16:16-34; John 9:1-38

6/7: Acts 17:1-15; John 11:47-57

6/8: Acts 17:19-28; John 12:19-36

6/9: Acts 18:22-28; John 12:36-47

6/10: Acts 1:1-12; Luke 24:36-53

6/11: Acts 19:1-8; John 14:1-11

6/12: Acts 20:7-12; John 14:10-21

Words from the Saints -- June 3, 2021

Gerald Largent

"Blessed is the soul that loves her brother: the Spirit of the Lord lives manifest within her, affording peace and gladness, and she weeps for the whole world." --St. Silouan of Mt. Athos

"Baptism is not magic. It requires our cooperation with God's grace. It is thus possible to lose our sanctification and our salvation. (Hebrews 6:4-5)" --The Philokalia

"Stop defiling your flesh with shameful deeds and polluting your soul with wicked thoughts; then the peace of God will descend upon you and bring you love." --St. Maximos the Confessor

"Adam was headless as guardian of Paradise, for the crafty thief stealthily entered; leaving aside the fruit -- which most men would covet -- he stole instead the Garden's inhabitant! Adam's Lord came out to seek him; He entered Sheol and found him there, then led and brought him out to set him once more in Paradise." --St. Ephraim the Syrian

Prayer List for the Week of May 30, 2021

Gerald Largent

For healing: Archbishop Daniel, Fr. Daniel, Fr. Nikolaos, Fr. Serhii, Fr. Victor, Matushka Myra, Matushka Katherine, Monk Meletios, Ross, Justin, Steven, Marian, Roger, Nancy, Claire, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, William, Annabelle, Alice, Kathleen, Jay, Denise, Denise, Heather, Alexander, John, Karen, Pamela, Robert, Peter, Eric, Michael, Melissa, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Rose Mary, Marianne, Timothy, Jon, Emily, Charles, Carlos, Hank, Nicholas, Katrina, Valentine, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Kathleen, Thomas, Mary Jo, Margaret, John, Jennifer, Clara, Joan, Sarah, Alex, Nicholas, Barbara, Margaret, Patricia, Alyssa, Danielle, Nicholas, Eliakim, Christopher, Tricia, Susan, Christopher, Joshua, Susan, Kathleen, Walter, Patty

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Fr. Peter, Nancy, Violet, Doina, Aurel, Nikolaos

Readings for the Week of May 30, 2021

Gerald Largent

5/30: Acts 11:19-26, 29-30; John 4:5-42

5/31: Acts 12:12-17; John 8:42-51

6/1: Acts 12:25-13:12; John 8:51-59

6/2: Acts 13:13-24; John 6:5-14

6/3: Acts 14:20-27; John 9:39-10:9

6/4: Acts 15:5-34; John 10:17-28

6/5: Acts 15:35-41; John 10:27-38

Words from the Saints -- May 27, 2021

Gerald Largent

"The highest form of prayer is to stand silently in awe before God." --St. Isaac the Syrian

"A man went into the forest to choose a tree from which to make roof beams. And he saw two trees, one beside the other. One was smooth and tall, but had rotted away inside, and the other was rough on the outside and ugly, but its core was healthy. The man sighed, and said to himself: “What use is this smooth, tall tree to me if it is rotten inside and useless for beams? The other one, even if it is rough and ugly, is at least healthy on the inside and so, if I put a bit more effort into it, I can use it for roof beams for my house.” And without thinking any more about it, he chose that tree. So will God choose between two men for His house, and will choose not the one who appears outwardly righteous, but the one whose heart is filled with God’s healthy righteousness." --St. Nikolai of Zhicha

"Learn something from the Scriptures by heart, and keep your mind focused on it. These things impede the demons from making assaults against us." --St. Nil of Sora

"Perfume is not to be found in mud, nor the fragrance of love in the soul of a rancorous man." --St. Thalassios the Libyan

"A mole burrowing in the earth is blind and cannot see the stars; and he who does not trust God in temporal things will not trust Him in eternal things." --St. Mark the Ascetic

"He alone loves the Creator perfectly who manifests a pure love for his neighbor." --St. Bede the Venerable

Prayer List for the Week of May 23, 2021

Gerald Largent

For healing: Archbishop Daniel, Fr. Daniel, Fr. Nikolaos, Fr. Serhii, Fr. Victor, Matushka Myra, Matushka Katherine, Monk Meletios, Ross, Justin, Steven, Marian, Roger, Nancy, Claire, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, William, Annabelle, Alice, Kathleen, Jay, Denise, Denise, Heather, Alexander, John, Karen, Pamela, Robert, Eric, Michael, Melissa, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Rose Mary, Marianne, Timothy, Jon, Emily, Charles, Carlos, Hank, Nicholas, Katrina, Valentine, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Kathleen, Thomas, Mary Jo, Margaret, John, Jennifer, Clara, Joan, Sarah, Alex, Nicholas, Barbara, Margaret, Patricia, Alyssa, Danielle, Nicholas, Eliakim, Christopher, Tricia, Susan, Christopher, Joshua, Susan, Kathleen, Walter, Patty

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Fr. Peter, Nancy, Violet, Doina, Aurel

Readings for the Week of May 23, 2021

Gerald Largent

5/23: Acts 9:32-42; John 5:1-15

5/24: Acts 10:1-16; John 6:56-69

5/25: Acts 10:21-33; John 7:1-13

5/26: Acts 14:6-18; John 7:14-30

5/27: Acts 10:34-43; John 8:12-20

5/28: Acts 10:44-11:10; John 8:21-30

5/29: Acts 12:1-11; John 8:31-42

Readings for the Week of May 16, 2021

Gerald Largent

5/16: Acts 6:1-7; Mark 15:43-16:8

5/17: Acts 6:8-7:5, 47-60; John 4:46-54

5/18: Acts 8:5-17; John 6:27-33

5/19: Acts 8:18-25; John 6:35-39

5/20: Acts 8:26-39; John 6:40-44

5/21: Acts 8:40-9:19; 26:1-5,12-20; John 6:48-54; 10:1-9

5/22: Acts 9:19-31; John 15:17-16:2

Words from the Saints -- May 13, 2021

Gerald Largent

"This is the Great Work of a man: always to take the blame for his own sins before God and to expect temptation to his last breath." --St. Anthony of Egypt

"We were created for eternal life by our Creator, we are called to it by the word of God, and we are renewed by holy Baptism. And Christ the Son of God came into the world for this, that He should call us and take us there, and He is the one thing needful. For this reason your very first endeavor and care should be to receive it. Without it everything is as nothing, though you have the whole world under you." --St Tikhon of Zadonsk

"It is called 'Gospel' because it announces to us things that are good, namely, remission of sins, being counted as righteous, ascent into the heavens, and adoption as sons by God. It also announces that we can receive these things easily. For we ourselves have not labored to obtain these good things, nor have we received them as a result of our own accomplishments, but by God’s grace and love for man we have been deemed worthy of such good things." --Blessed Theophylact

"When you delight in hearing evil talk, be angry with your-self and not with the speaker. For listening in a sinful way makes the messenger seem sinful." --St. Mark the Ascetic

"As the branch separated from the roots soon loses all life and verdure, so it is with good works which are not united with charity." --St. Gregory the Great, Pope of Rome

Prayer List for the Week of May 9, 2021

Gerald Largent

For healing: Archbishop Daniel, Fr. Daniel, Fr. Nikolaos, Fr. Serhii, Fr. Victor, Matushka Myra, Matushka Katherine, Monk Meletios, Ross, Justin, Steven, Marian, Roger, Nancy, Claire, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, William, Annabelle, Alice, Kathleen, Jay, Denise, Denise, Heather, Alexander, John, Karen, Pamela, Robert, Eric, Michael, Melissa, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Rose Mary, Marianne, Timothy, Jon, Emily, Charles, Carlos, Hank, Nicholas, Katrina, Valentine, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Kathleen, Thomas, Mary Jo, Margaret, John, Jennifer, Clara, Joan, Sarah, Alex, Nicholas, Barbara, Margaret, Patricia, Alyssa, Danielle, Nicholas, Eliakim, Christopher, Tricia, Susan, Christopher, Joshua, Susan, Kathleen, Walter, Patty

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Fr. Peter, Arlene, Mary, Mary, Nancy, Violet, Doina, Julia, John, Helen, George

Readings for the Week of May 9, 2021

Gerald Largent

5/9: Acts 5:12-20; John 20:19-31

5/10: Acts 3:19-26; John 2:1-11

5/11: Acts 4:1-10; 1 Corinthians 15:39-57; John 3:16-21

5/12: Acts 4:13-22; John 5:17-24

5/13: Acts 4:23-31; John 5:24-30

5/14: Acts 5:1-11; John 5:30-6:2

5/15: Acts 5:21-33; John 6:14-27

Words from the Saints -- May 6, 2021

Gerald Largent

"It is right, therefore, that we not just be called Christians, but that we actually be Christians." --St. Ignatius of Antioch

"The tongue of a back-biting soul is three-pronged: it injures the speaker, the listener and sometimes the person being maligned." --St. Thalassios the Libyan