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20525 Center Ridge Rd. #401
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A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.


A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.

Prayer List for the Week of September 19, 2021

Gerald Largent

For healing: Fr. Daniel, Fr. John, Matushka Katherine, Matushka Myra, Monk Meletios, Ross, Justin, Steven, Marian, Roger, Nancy, Claire, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, Alice, Kathleen, Denise, Denise, Pamela, Robert, Peter, Eric, Michael, Melissa, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Rose Mary, Marianne, Emily, Charles, Hank, Nicholas, Katrina, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Mary Jo, Clara, Joan, Sarah, Alex, Nicholas, Barbara, Margaret, Patricia, Danielle, Nicholas, Christopher, Tricia, Susan, Christopher, Susan, Kathleen, Walter, Patty, Darlene, George, Paul, Michael, Pantelitsa, Darina, Barbara, Diane, Katherine, Nancy, Issa, Geri Ann, Jamerion, Jaxson, Florentina, Mary, David, Michael, Aaron, Eve, Karen, Ioann, Elizabeth, Annastiina, Robert, Timothy, Diana

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Fr. Anastasy, Fr. Leonid, Fr. Sergei, Fr. Serhii, Paul, Catherine, Paul, Theodore, George

Typica Service on September 17, 2021: The Holy Martyr Sophia and her three daughters Faith, Hope and Love

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

On September 17, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Martyr Sophia and her three daughters Faith, Hope and Love.

Today's prescribed readings are 2 Corinthians 11:5-21 and Mark 4:1-9.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be on Monday, September 20, at 7:30am (Eastern). ***

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, to shut-ins with computer access, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

Typica Service on September 16, 2021: The Holy Great Martyr Euphemia

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

On September 16, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Great Martyr Euphemia.

Today's prescribed readings are 2 Corinthians 10:7-18 and Mark 3:28-35.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be tomorrow, September 17, at 7:30am (Eastern). ***

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, to shut-ins with computer access, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

Words from the Saints -- September 16, 2021

Gerald Largent

"There is faith 'that comes by hearing' (Romans 10:17) and there is faith that 'is the substance of things hoped for' (Hebrews 11:1)." --St. Mark the Ascetic

"The Lord wants us to love one another. Here is freedom: in love for God and neighbor. In this freedom, there is equality. In earthly orders, there may not be equality, but this is not important for the soul. Not everyone can be a king, not everyone a patriarch or a boss. But in any position it is possible to love God and to please Him, and only this is important. And whoever loves God more on earth will be in greater glory in His Kingdom." --St. Silouan of Mt. Athos

"God does not disdain prayers, but sometimes does not grant the desires expressed therein, specifically in order to have things come out better, in accordance with His Divine intent. What would happen if the All-knowing God completely fulfilled our wishes? I believe all human beings would eventually perish." --Elder Leo of Optina

"It is better to be consoled by your conscience alone, even if the whole world slanders you, than to be accused by your conscience, when the whole world heaps praises upon you." --St. Tikhon of Zadonsk

"Let no man's place, or dignity, or riches, puff him up; and let no man's low condition or poverty abase him. For the chief points are faith towards God, hope towards Christ, the enjoyment of those good things for which we look, and love towards God and our neighbor." --St. Ignatius of Antioch

"The devil tries to soil and defile every good thing a man would do by intermingling with it his own seeds in the form of self-esteem, presumption, complaint, and other things of this kind, so that what we do is not done for God alone, or with a glad heart. Abel offered a sacrifice to God of the fat and firstlings of his flock, while Cain offered gifts of the fruits of the earth, but not of the firstfruits; and that is why God looked with favor on Abel's sacrifices, but paid no attention to Cain's gifts (cf. Gen. 4:3-5). This shows us that it is possible to do something good in the wrong way - that is to say, to do it negligently, or scornfully, or else not for God's sake but for some other purpose; and for this reason it is unacceptable to God." --St. Symeon Metaphrastis

Typica Service on September 13, 2021: The Forefeast of the Exaltation of the Cross; The Holy Hieromartyr Cornelius the Centurion

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

September 13 is the Forefeast of the Exaltation of the Cross. Also on this day, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Hieromartyr Cornelius the Centurion.

Today's prescribed readings are Hebrews 3:1-4 and Matthew 16:13-18.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be on Wednesday, September 15, at 7pm (Eastern). ***

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, to shut-ins with computer access, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

Prayer List for the Week of September 12, 2021

Gerald Largent

For healing: Fr. Daniel, Fr. John, Matushka Katherine, Matushka Myra, Monk Meletios, Ross, Justin, Steven, Marian, Roger, Nancy, Claire, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, Alice, Kathleen, Denise, Denise, Pamela, Robert, Peter, Eric, Michael, Melissa, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Rose Mary, Marianne, Emily, Charles, Hank, Nicholas, Katrina, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Mary Jo, Clara, Joan, Sarah, Alex, Nicholas, Barbara, Margaret, Patricia, Danielle, Nicholas, Christopher, Tricia, Susan, Christopher, Susan, Kathleen, Walter, Patty, Darlene, George, Paul, Michael, Pantelitsa, Darina, Barbara, Diane, Katherine, Nancy, Issa, Geri Ann, Jamerion, Jaxson, Florentina, Mary, David, Michael, Aaron, Eve, Karen, Ioann, Elizabeth, Annastiina, Robert, Timothy

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Fr. Anastasy, Fr. Leonid, Fr. Sergei, Fr. Serhii, Christopher, Nicholas, Richard, Anna, Aaron, Lee, Valentine, Paul, Catherine, Paul, Theodore, George

Readings for the Week of September 12, 2021

Gerald Largent

9/12: Galatians 6:11-18; John 3:13-17

9/13: 2 Corinthians 8:7-15; Mark 3:6-12

9/14: 1 Corinthians 1:18-24; John 19:6-11, 13-20, 25-28, 30-35

9/15: 2 Corinthians 9:12-10:7; Mark 3:20-27

9/16: 2 Corinthians 10:7-18; Mark 3:28-35

9/17: 2 Corinthians 11:5-21; Mark 4:1-9

9/18: 1 Corinthians 1:26-29; John 8:21-30

Typica Service on September 10, 2021: The Holy Virgin Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora and Nymphodora

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

On September 10, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Virgin Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora and Nymphodora.

Today's prescribed readings are 2 Corinthians 7:10-16 and Mark 2:18-22.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be on Monday, September 13, at 7:30am (Eastern). ***

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, to shut-ins with computer access, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

Words from the Saints -- September 9, 2021

Gerald Largent

"Do not stop praying as long as, by God's grace, the fire and the water [i.e. fervor and tears] have not been exhausted, for it may happen that never again in your whole life will you have such a chance to ask for the forgiveness for your sins." --St. John Climacus

"If one becomes angry with one's neighbor on account of riches, fame or pleasure, one does not yet realize that God orders all things with justice." --St. Mark the Ascetic

"Anyone who truly wants to follow God must be free from the bonds of attachment to this life. To do this we must make a complete break with our old way of life. Indeed, unless we avoid all obsession with the body and with the concerns of this world, we shall never succeed in pleasing God. We must depart as it were to another world in our way of thinking, as the Apostle said: 'Our citizenship is in heaven.'" --St. Basil the Great

"Born as a son, led forth as a lamb, sacrificed as a sheep, buried as a man, He rose from the dead as a God, for He was by nature God and Man. He is all things: He judges, and so He is Law; He teaches, and so He is Word; He saves, and so He is Grace; He begets, and so He is Father, He is begotten, and so He is Son; He suffers, and so He is Sacrifice; He is buried, and so He is Man; He rises again, and so He is God. This is Jesus Christ, to Whom belongs Glory for all ages." --St. Melito of Sardis

"Remembrance of Jesus' passion will heal your soul of resentment, by making it ashamed of itself when it remembers the patience of the Lord. Some people have wearied themselves and suffered for a long time in order to extract forgiveness. By far the best course, however, is to forget the offenses, since the Lord says: 'Forgive at once and you will be forgiven in generous measure' (cf. Luke 6:37-38)." --St. John Climacus

"Some of the things given to us by God for our use are in the soul, others are in the body and others relate to the body. In the soul are its powers; in the body are the sense organs and other members; relating to the body are food, money, possessions and so on. Our good or bad use of these things given us by God, or of what is contingent upon them, reveals whether we are virtuous or evil." --St. Maximos the Confessor

Typica Service on September 9, 2021: The Holy and Righteous Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

On September 9, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy and Righteous Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna.

Today's prescribed readings are Galatians 4:22-31 and Luke 8:16-21.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be tomorrow, September 10, at 7:30am (Eastern). ***

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, to shut-ins with computer access, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

Typica Service on September 6, 2021: The Miracle of the Archangel Michael at Colossae

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

On September 6, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Miracle of the Archangel Michael at Colossae.

Today's prescribed readings are 2 Corinthians 5:10-15 and Mark 1:9-15.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be on Thursday, September 9, at 7:30am (Eastern). ***

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, to shut-ins with computer access, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

Prayer List for the Week of September 5, 2021

Gerald Largent

For healing: Fr. Daniel, Fr. John, Matushka Katherine, Matushka Myra, Monk Meletios, Ross, Justin, Steven, Marian, Roger, Nancy, Claire, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, Alice, Kathleen, Denise, Denise, Pamela, Robert, Peter, Eric, Michael, Melissa, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Rose Mary, Marianne, Emily, Charles, Hank, Nicholas, Katrina, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Mary Jo, Clara, Joan, Sarah, Alex, Nicholas, Barbara, Margaret, Patricia, Danielle, Nicholas, Christopher, Tricia, Susan, Christopher, Susan, Kathleen, Walter, Patty, Darlene, George, Paul, Michael, Pantelitsa, Darina, Barbara, Diane, Katherine, Nancy, Issa, Geri Ann, Jamerion, Jaxson, Florentina, Mary, David, Michael, Aaron, Eve, Karen, Ioann, Elizabeth, Annastiina, Robert, Timothy

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Fr. Leonid, Fr. Sergei, Fr. Serhii, Christopher, Nicholas, Richard, Anna, Aaron, Lee, Valentine, Paul, Catherine, Paul, Theodore, George

Readings for the Week of September 5, 2021

Gerald Largent

9/5: 1 Corinthians 9:2-12; Matthew 18:23-35

9/6: 2 Corinthians 5:10-15; Mark 1:9-15

9/7: 2 Corinthians 5:15-21; Mark 1:16-22

9/8: Philippians 2:5-11; Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28

9/9: 2 Corinthians 6:11-16; 7:1-10; Mark 1:23-35

9/10: 2 Corinthians 7:10-16; Mark 2:18-22

9/11: 1 Corinthians 2:6-9; Matthew 10:37-42

Typica Service for September 3, 2021: The Holy Priest-Martyr Anthimus, Bishop of Nicomedia, and those with him

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

On September 3, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Priest-Martyr Anthimus, Bishop of Nicomedia, and those with him.

Today's prescribed readings are 2 Corinthians 4:13-18 and Matthew 24:27-33, 42-51.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be on Monday, September 6, at 7:30am (Eastern). ***

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, to shut-ins with computer access, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

Words from the Saints -- September 2, 2021

Gerald Largent

"If He Who is without sin prayed, how much more ought sinners to pray?" --St. Cyprian of Carthage

"The saints were people like all of us. Many of them came out of great sins, but by repentance they attained the Kingdom of Heaven. And everyone who comes there comes through repentance, which the merciful Lord has given us through His sufferings." --St. Silouan of Mt. Athos

"We must receive the one who curses us as a messenger from God, rebuking our hidden evil thoughts, so that we, seeing our thoughts with exactness, might correct ourselves. For we do not know how many hidden evils we have; Only a perfect man can understand all of his own shortcomings." --St. Mark the Ascetic

"Fearful afflictions await the hard of heart, for without great sufferings they cannot become pliable and responsive." --St. Thalassios the Libyan

"At the time of struggle with defilement, punish your thoughts with lack of nourishment, so that you will think not of defilements, but of hunger, and reject the [temptation]." --St. Nilus of Sinai

"It is not lawful to differ even by a single word from the... apostolic doctrine, or to think otherwise than as the blessed Apostles and our fathers learned and taught concerning the Holy Scriptures." --St. Leo the Great of Rome

Typica Service for September 2, 2021: Our Father-Among-the-Saints John the Faster, Patriarch of Constantinople

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

On September 2, the Orthodox Church commemorates Our Father-Among-the-Saints John the Faster, Patriarch of Constantinople.

Today's prescribed readings are 2 Corinthians 3:4-11; 4:1-6 and Matthew 23:29-39; 24:13-28.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be tomorrow, September 3, at 7:30am (Eastern). ***

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, to shut-ins with computer access, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

Akathist to St. Panteleimon

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be tomorrow, September 2, at 7:30am (Eastern). ***

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, to shut-ins with computer access, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

Typica Service for August 30, 2021: Our Fathers-Among-the-Saints Alexander, John and Paul, Patriarchs of Constantinople

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

On August 30, the Orthodox Church commemorates Our Fathers-Among-the-Saints Alexander, John and Paul, Patriarchs of Constantinople.

Today's prescribed readings are 2 Corinthians 2:4-15 and Matthew 23:13-22..

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be on Wednesday, September 1, at 7:30am (Eastern). ***

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, to shut-ins with computer access, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

Prayer List for the Week of August 29, 2021

Gerald Largent

For healing: Fr. Daniel, Fr. John, Matushka Katherine, Matushka Myra, Monk Meletios, Ross, Justin, Steven, Marian, Roger, Nancy, Claire, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, Alice, Kathleen, Denise, Denise, Pamela, Robert, Peter, Eric, Michael, Melissa, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Rose Mary, Marianne, Emily, Charles, Hank, Nicholas, Katrina, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Mary Jo, Clara, Joan, Sarah, Alex, Nicholas, Barbara, Margaret, Patricia, Danielle, Nicholas, Christopher, Tricia, Susan, Christopher, Susan, Kathleen, Walter, Patty, Michael, Pantelitsa, Darina, Barbara, Diane, Katherine, Nancy, Issa, Geri Ann, Jamerion, Jaxson, Florentina, Mary, David, Michael, Aaron, Eve, Karen, Ioann, Elizabeth, Annastiina, Robert, Timothy

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Fr. Leonid, Fr. Serhii, Christopher, Nicholas, Richard, Anna, Aaron, Lee, Valentine, Paul, Catherine, Paul, Theodore, George

Bible Readings for the Week of August 29, 2021

Gerald Largent

8/29: Acts 13:25-33; Mark 6:14-30

8/30: 2 Corinthians 2:4-15; Matthew 23:13-22

8/31: 2 Corinthians 2:14-3:3; Matthew 23:23-28

9/1: 1 Timothy 2:1-7; Luke 4:16-22

9/2: 2 Corinthians 3:4-11; 4:1-6; Matthew 23:29-39; 24:13-28

9/3: 2 Corinthians 4:13-18; Matthew 24:27-33, 42-51

9/4: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Matthew 19:3-12