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20525 Center Ridge Rd. #401
Rocky River, OH 44116
United States

(440) 941-4850

A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.


A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.

Penitential Stanzas (Tone 8)

Gerald Largent

King and Master, the angels praise You without ceasing, and I fall before You crying out like the Tax-Collector: God be merciful to me and save me (Luke 18:13)!

My soul, because you are immortal, be not overwhelmed by the waves of this life. But return to sobriety and cry out to Your Benefactor: God be merciful to me and save me!

Grant me tears, O God, as You once gave them to the woman who had sinned, and count me worthy to wash Your feet which have delivered me from the path of error. As sweet-smelling ointment, let me offer You a pure life created in me through repentance. And may I also hear the words which I long to hear: Your faith have saved you, go in peace (Luke 7:37-50).

When I call to mind the many evils I have done, and I think about the fearsome day of judgement. I am seized with trembling and I flee to You for refuge, the God Who loves mankind. I beseech You Who alone are free from sin to turn not away from me. But before the end comes grant compunction to my humbled soul and save me.

Prayer List for the Week of April 3, 2022

Gerald Largent

For healing: Archbishop Paul, Fr. Andrew, Fr. Daniel, Fr. Gregory, Matushka Katherine, Matushka Myra, Monk Meletios, Ross, Justin, Steven, Marian, Roger, Claire, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, Alice, Kathleen, Denise, Denise, Pamela, Robert, Peter, Eric, Michael, Melissa, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Rose Mary, Marianne, Emily, Charles, Hank, Nicholas, Katrina, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Mary Jo, Clara, Joan, Nicholas, Barbara, Margaret, Patricia, Danielle, Nicholas, Tricia, Christopher, Susan, Kathleen, Walter, Patty, Darlene, George, Paul, Michael, Darina, Robert, Diana, Diana, Artemis, Natalie, Julia, Arthur, Dorina, Bea, Helen, Helena, Audra, Robert, Elizabeth, Rita, Lillian

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s protection: Rita, Luke and their unborn child

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Scott, Stephen, John, Maria

Readings for the Week of April 3, 2022

Gerald Largent

4/3: Ephesians 5:9-19; Hebrews 6:13-20; Mark 9:17-31

4/4: Isaiah 37:33-38:6; Genesis 13:12-18; Proverbs 14:27-15:4

4/5: Isaiah 40:18-31; Genesis 15:1-15; Proverbs 15:7-19

4/6: Isaiah 41:4-14; Genesis 17:1-9; Proverbs 15:20-16:9

4/7: Isaiah 42:5-16; Genesis 18:20-33; Proverbs 16:17-17:17

4/8: Isaiah 45:11-17; Genesis 22:1-18; Proverbs 17:17-18:5

4/9: Hebrews 9:1-7, 24-28; Mark 8:27-31; Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28

Words from the Saints -- March 31, 2022

Gerald Largent

"When you begin to read or listen to the Holy Scriptures, pray to God thus: 'Lord Jesus Christ, open the ears and eyes of my heart so that I may hear Thy words and understand them, and may fulfill Thy will." Always pray to God like this, that He might illumine your mind and open to you the power of His words. Many, having trusted in their own reason, have turned away into deception.'" --St. Ephraim the Syrian

"Those who submit to the Lord with simple heart will run the good race. If they keep their minds on a leash, they will not draw the wickedness of the demons onto themselves." --St. John Climacus

"Every Christian should find for himself the imperative and incentive to become holy. If you live without struggle and without hope of becoming holy, then you are Christians only in name and not in essence. But without holiness, no one shall see the Lord, that is to say they will not attain eternal blessedness. It is a trustworthy saying that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners (I Tim. 1:15). But we deceive ourselves if we think that we are saved while remaining sinners. Christ saves those sinners by giving them the means to become saints." --St. Philaret of Moscow

"You must love everyone with your whole soul, but put your hope in the one God, and serve Him alone. For as long as He is protecting us and our friends (the angels) are helping us, our enemies (the demons) cannot inflict evil upon us. But when He forsakes us, then also our friends turn away from us, and our enemies receive power over us." --St. Maximos Confessor

Penitential Stanzas (Tone 7)

Gerald Largent

Like the Prodigal I come and fall before You, O Lord; accept me as one of Your hired servants, and have mercy on me, O Compassionate One!

As the man who fell among thieves and was wounded, I have fallen, and my soul is bruised by my many sins. To whom can I, the guilty one, run, if not to You, the Only Merciful Physician of our souls? Pour out Your great mercy on me, O God!

O Savior, sinner that I am, do not cut me down like the barren fig tree! But grant me for a long year forgiveness, watering my soul with tears of repentance, that I may bring forth acts of mercy as fruit for You!

Since You are the Sun of Righteousness, enlighten and guide the hearts of those who cry out to You: O Lord, glory to You!

Prayer List for the Week of March 27, 2022

Gerald Largent

For healing: Archbishop Paul, Fr. Andrew, Fr. Daniel, Matushka Katherine, Matushka Myra, Monk Meletios, Ross, Justin, Steven, Marian, Roger, Claire, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, Alice, Kathleen, Denise, Denise, Pamela, Robert, Peter, Eric, Michael, Melissa, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Rose Mary, Marianne, Emily, Charles, Hank, Nicholas, Katrina, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Mary Jo, Clara, Joan, Nicholas, Barbara, Margaret, Patricia, Danielle, Nicholas, Tricia, Christopher, Susan, Kathleen, Walter, Patty, Darlene, George, Paul, Michael, Darina, Robert, Diana, Diana, Artemis, Natalie, Julia, Arthur, Dorina, Bea, Helen, Helena, Audra, Robert, Elizabeth, Rita, Lillian

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s protection: Rita, Luke and their unborn child

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Doina, John, Paul, Scott, Stephen, John

Readings for the Week of March 27, 2022

Gerald Largent

3/27: Hebrews 4:14-5:6; Mark 8:34-9:1

3/28: Isaiah 14:24-32; Genesis 8:21-9:7; Proverbs 11:19-12:6

3/29: Isaiah 25:1-9; Genesis 9:8-17; Proverbs 12:8-22

3/30: Isaiah 26:21-27:9; Genesis 9:18-29; Proverbs 12:23-13:9

3/31: Isaiah 28:14-22; Genesis 10:32-11:9; Proverbs 13:20-14:6

4/1: Isaiah 29:13-23; Genesis 12:1-7; Proverbs 14:15-26

4/2: Hebrews 6:9-12; 1 Corinthians 15:47-57; Mark 7:31-37; John 5:24-30

Words from the Saints -- March 24, 2022

Gerald Largent

"Let not one think, my fellow Christian, that only priests and monks need to pray with out ceasing and not laymen No, no; every Christian without exception ought to dwell always in prayer." --St. Gregory Palamas

"In everything they the Apostles did, they thought of God and lived in constant devotion to Him. This spiritual state was their unceasing prayer." --St. Basil the Great

"He knows how to live rightly, who has learned how to pray properly." --St. Augustine of Hippo

"If someone shuts a snake and a scorpion up in a bottle, in time, they will be completely destroyed. So it is with evil thoughts: they are suggested by the demons; they disappear through patience." --St. Poemen

"The more numerous the gifts we have received from God, the greater the account we must render to Him." --St. Gregory the Great, Pope of Rome

Penitential Stanzas (Tone 6)

Gerald Largent

Christ, at Your fearsome Second Coming may we not hear the words: I do not know you (Matthew 25:12). For we have put our trust in You, Savior, though in our negligence we do not keep Your Commandments. Still we entreat that You save our souls.

I have no repentance and no tears. Therefore, Savior, I entreat You: Before the end comes convince me to turn back and grant me compunction, that I may be delivered from torment.

Savior and Physician of Our Souls and Bodies: Heal the wounds of my heart inflicted on me through my many sins. For You always grant forgiveness of transgressions to those who ask. Lord, grant me tears of repentance and remission of my transgressions, and have mercy on me.

Finding me naked, stripped of virtues, the Enemy wounded me with the arrow of sin. But God, Physician of Our Souls and Bodies, heal the wounds of my soul and have mercy on me.

Readings for the Week of March 20, 2022

Gerald Largent

3/20: Hebrews 1:10-2:3; 7:26-8:2; Mark 2:1-12; John 10:9-16

3/21: Isaiah 8:13-9:7; Genesis 6:9-22; Proverbs 8:1-21

3/22: Isaiah 9:9-10:4; Genesis 7:1-5; Proverbs 8:32-9:11

3/23: Isaiah 10:12-20; Genesis 7:6-9; Proverbs 9:12-18

3/24: Isaiah 11:10-12:2; Genesis 7:11-8:3; Proverbs 10:1-22; Genesis 28:10-17; Ezekiel 43:27-44:4; Proverbs 9:1-11; Exodus 3:1-8; Proverbs 8:22-30

3/25: Luke 1:39-49, 56; Hebrews 2:11-18; Luke 1:24-38

3/26: Hebrews 10:32-38; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17; Mark 2:14-17; John 5:24-30