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A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.


A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.

Typica Service on May 31, 2023

Gerald Largent

Christ is Ascended! Truly He is Ascended!

Today is May 31, 2023. On this day of the month, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Martyr Hermias of Cappadocia.

The prescribed readings are Acts 23:1-11 and John 16:15-23.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be tomorrow, June 1, at 8am (Eastern). ***

The service text for today’s livestream may be found here.

Prayer List for the Week of May 28, 2023

Gerald Largent

For healing: Fr. Andrew, Fr. Daniel, Fr. Emilian, Fr. Gregory, Matushka Katherine, Matushka Myra, Monk Meletios, Justin, Steven, Marian, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, Alice, Kathleen, Denise, Denise, Pamela, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Marianne, Emily, Charles, Hank, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Mary Jo, Clara, Barbara, Margaret, Susan, Randall, Michael, Danielle, Nicholas, Tricia, Patty, Darlene, George, Paul, Darina, Kathleen, Walter, Diana, George, Natalie, Arthur, Nicole, Patricia, Rene, Jennifer, Dorina, Elena, Jason, Michael, Donald, Marc, Alexandra, Eliza, Paul, Madeline, Marcella, Kent, Matthew, Patricia, John, Rita, Rodica, Papoulas, Nectarios Constantine, Agape, Paul, Nicholas, Anna, Emmanuel, Marihiam, Mila, Peter, Natalie, Peter, Richard, John, Christine

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s protection: all emergency medical workers, firefighters and police officers

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: William, Paula, Tula, Robert, Brittany

Readings for the Week of May 28, 2023

Gerald Largent

5/28: Acts 20:16-18, 28-36; John 17:1-13

5/29: Acts 21:8-14; John 14:27-15:7

5/30: Acts 21:26-32; John 16:2-13

5/31: Acts 23:1-11; John 16:15-23

6/1: Acts 25:13-19; John 16:23-33

6/2: Acts 27:1-44; John 17:18-26

6/3: Acts 28:1-31; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17; John 5:24-30; 21:15-25

Typica Service on May 26, 2023

Gerald Largent

Christ is Ascended! Truly He is Ascended!

Today is May 26, 2023. On this day of the month the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Apostles Carpus and Alphaeus of the Seventy.

The prescribed readings are Acts 19:1-8 and John 14:1-11.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be on Tuesday, May 30, at 7pm (Eastern). ***

Typica Service on May 22, 2023

Gerald Largent

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Today is May 22, 2023. On this day of the month the Orthodox Church commemorate the Holy Martyr Basiliscus.

The prescribed readings are Acts 17:1-15 and John 11:47-57.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be tomorrow, May 23, at 7pm (Eastern). ***

Prayer List for the Week of May 21, 2023

Gerald Largent

For healing: Fr. Andrew, Fr. Daniel, Fr. Emilian, Fr. Gregory, Matushka Katherine, Matushka Myra, Monk Meletios, Justin, Steven, Marian, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, Alice, Kathleen, Denise, Denise, Pamela, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Marianne, Emily, Charles, Hank, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Mary Jo, Clara, Barbara, Margaret, Susan, Randall, Michael, Danielle, Nicholas, Tricia, Patty, Darlene, George, Paul, Darina, Kathleen, Walter, Diana, George, Natalie, Arthur, Nicole, Patricia, Rene, Jennifer, Dorina, Elena, Jason, Michael, Donald, Marc, Alexandra, Eliza, Paul, Madeline, Marcella, Kent, Matthew, Patricia, John, Rita, Rodica, Papoulas, Nectarios Constantine, Agape, Paul, Nicholas, Anna, Emmanuel, Marihiam, Mila

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s protection: all emergency medical workers, firefighters and police officers

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Metropolitan Constantine, Anthony, William, Paula, Tula, Robert

Readings for the Week of May 21, 2023

Gerald Largent

5/21: Acts 16:16-34; John 9:1-38

5/22: Acts 17:1-15; John 11:47-57

5/23: Acts 17:19-28; John 12:19-36

5/24: Acts 18:22-28; John 12:36-47

5/25: Acts 1:1-12; Luke 24:36-53

5/26: Acts 19:1-8; John 14:1-11

5/27: Acts 20:7-12; John 14:10-21

Typica Service on May 18, 2023

Gerald Largent

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Today is May 18, 2023. On this day of the month the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Martyrs Peter, Dionysios, Christine, Andrew, Paul, Benedimos, Paulinos and Heraclios.

The prescribed readings are Acts 14:20-27 and John 9:39-10:9.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be on Monday, May 22, at 8am (Eastern). ***

Typica Service on May 15, 2023

Gerald Largent

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Today is May 15, 2023. On this day of the month the Orthodox Church commemorates Our Venerable Father Pachomios.

The prescribed readings are Acts 12:12-17 and John 8:42-51.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be tomorrow, May 16, at 7pm (Eastern). ***

Readings for the Week of May 14, 2023

Gerald Largent

5/14: Acts 11:19-26, 29-30; John 4:5-42

5/15: Acts 12:12-17; John 8:42-51

5/16: Acts 12:25-13:12; John 8:51-59

5/17: Acts 13:13-24; John 6:5-14

5/18: Acts 14:20-27; John 9:39-10:9

5/19: Acts 15:5-34; John 10:17-28

5/20: Acts 15:35-41; John 10:27-38

Typica Service on May 12, 2023

Gerald Largent

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Today is May 12, 2023. On this day of the month the Orthodox Church commemorates St Epiphanios, Bishop of Cypros, and St Germanos, Patriarch Of Constantinople.

The prescribed readings are Acts 10:44-11:10 and John 8:21-30.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be on Monday, May 15, at 8am (Eastern). ***

Typica Service on May 8, 2023

Gerald Largent

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Today is May 8, 2023. On this day of the month the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Apostle John the Evangelist and Theologian.

The prescribed readings are Acts 10:1-16 and John 6:56-69.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be tomorrow, May 9, at 7pm (Eastern). ***

Prayer List for the Week of May 7, 2023

Gerald Largent

For healing: Fr. Andrew, Fr. Daniel, Fr. Emilian, Fr. Gregory, Matushka Katherine, Matushka Myra, Pani Matka Mary Margaret, Monk Meletios, Justin, Steven, Marian, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, Alice, Kathleen, Denise, Denise, Pamela, Robert, Peter, Eric, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Marianne, Emily, Charles, Hank, Nicholas, Katrina, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Mary Jo, Clara, Barbara, Margaret, Susan, Randall, Michael, Danielle, Nicholas, Tricia, Patty, Darlene, George, Paul, Darina, Robert, Kathleen, Walter, Diana, George, Natalie, Arthur, Nicole, Patricia, Rene, Jennifer, Dorina, Elena, Papoulas, Despina, Constantine, Eleftheria, Marihiam, Agape, Lachlan, Papoulas, Paul, Nicholas, Constantine, Nectarios, Eleftheria, Agape, Vasiliki, Anna, Mirsina, Emmanuel, Marihiam, Jason, Michael, Donald, Marc, Alexandra, Eliza, Paul, Natalie, Robert, Madeline, Marcella, Kent, Helen, Stefan, Thomas, Rita, Matthew, Patricia, John

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s protection: all emergency medical workers, firefighters and police officers

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Lawrence, Anthony, William, Paula

Readings for the Week of May 7, 2023

Gerald Largent

5/7: Acts 9:32-42; John 5:1-15

5/8: Acts 10:1-16; John 6:56-69

5/9: Acts 10:21-33; John 7:1-13

5/10: Acts 14:6-18; John 7:14-30

5/11: Acts 10:34-43; John 8:12-20

5/12: Acts 10:44-11:10; John 8:21-30

5/13: Acts 12:1-11; John 8:31-42

Words from the Saints -- May 4, 2023

Gerald Largent

"You will lose nothing of what you have renounced for the Lord's sake. For in its own time it will return to you greatly multiplied." --St. Mark the Ascetic

"The rule of piety admits nothing new. All things are to be delivered to those who come after us with the same fidelity with which they were received by us. It is our duty to follow religion, not make religion follow us." --St. Vincent of Lerins

"We do not know God from His essence. We know Him rather from the grandeur of His creation and from His providential care for all creatures. For through these, as though they were mirrors, we may attain insight into His infinite goodness, wisdom and power." --St. Maximos the Confessor