Words from the Saints -- January 9, 2018
Gerald Largent
"Nothing equals the mercy of God or surpasses it. To despair is therefore to inflict death on oneself." --St. John Climacus
"The aim of prayer is that we should acquire from it love of God, for in prayer are to be found all sorts of reasons for loving God." --St. Isaac the Syrian
"Faith requires obedience, and not curiosity; and when God commands, one ought to be obedient, not curious." --St. John Chrysostom
"My God, I do not know what you will do, but I surrender myself to you completely so that you will make me into a human being." --St. Paisios
"God is not known by science, but by the Holy Spirit. Many philosophers and learned men came to the belief that God exists, but they did not know God. It is one thing to believe that God exists and another to know Him. If someone has come to know God by the Holy Spirit, his soul will burn with love for God day and night, and his soul cannot be bound to any earthly thing." --St. Silouan of Mt. Athos
"What is it to be a fool for Christ? It is to control one's thoughts when they stray out of line. It is to make the mind empty and free..." --St. John Chrysostom
"From humility it is known that a man is a true disciple of Jesus, meek and humble of heart. If we wish to show evidence that we are true Christians, let us learn from Christ to be humble as He Himself enjoins us, 'Learn of Me; for I am meek, and lowly in heart'" (Matthew 11:29). --St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
"Death is, properly speaking, separation from God, and 'the sting of death is sin.' In taking it on, Adam was banished at once from the Tree of Life, from Paradise, and from God, whereupon there followed, of necessity, the death of the body. On the other hand, life is, properly speaking, the One who says 'I am the life.' By His death He brought back to life again the one who had died." --St. Maximos the Confessor