Penitential Stanzas (Tone 8)
Gerald Largent
Penitential Stanzas (Tone 8)
King and Master, the angels praise You without ceasing, and I fall before You crying out like the Tax-Collector: God be merciful to me and save me (Luke 18:13)!
My soul, because you are immortal, be not overwhelmed by the waves of this life. But return to sobriety and cry out to Your Benefactor: God be merciful to me and save me!
Grant me tears, O God, as You once gave them to the woman who had sinned, and count me worthy to wash Your feet which have delivered me from the path of error. As sweet-smelling ointment, let me offer You a pure life created in me through repentance. And may I also hear the words which I long to hear: Your faith have saved you, go in peace (Luke 7:37-50).
When I call to mind the many evils I have done, and I think about the fearsome day of judgement. I am seized with trembling and I flee to You for refuge, the God Who loves mankind. I beseech You Who alone are free from sin to turn not away from me. But before the end comes grant compunction to my humbled soul and save me.