Words from the Saints -- March 6, 2018
Gerald Largent
"God wants only one thing from us--humility. Nothing else." --St. Paisios the Athonite
"The only person who is free is the one who lives for Christ." --St. John Chrysostom
"Above all let us be convinced that nothing can happen to us apart from the providence of God."
--St. Dorotheos of Gaza
"Let listening to worldly news be bitter food for you, and let the words of saintly men be as combs filled with honey." --St. Basil the Great
"Intelligent men have no need to listen to much talk, but should attend only to that which is profitable and guided by God's will." --St. Antony the Great
"Unbelievers, those who believe with difficulty, or believe in part, are those who do not show their faith through works. Apart from works the demons also believe (James 2:19) and confess Christ to be God and Master. 'We know who You are' (Mark 1:24), they say, 'You are the Son of God' (Matthew 8:29), and elsewhere, 'These men are servants of the Most High God' (Acts 16:17). Yet such faith will not benefit the demons, nor even humans. This faith is of no use, for it is dead."
--St. Symeon the New Theologian