Penitential Hymns (Tone 8)
Gerald Largent
The angels never cease singing praises to You, and I fall before You, King and Master! I cry out like the Publican: Be merciful to me, O God, and save me!
Since you are immortal, my soul, do not be overwhelmed by the waves of life. Come to your senses and cry out to the Benefactor: Be merciful to me, O God, and save me!
When I grasp with my mind the great number of terrible things I have done, and go in my thoughts to that terrible reckoning, I tremble with fearfulness! I flee for refuge to You, O God and Lover of Mankind! I humbly pray: do not turn from me, Sinless Lord, but grant my lowly soul repentance before the end and save me!
Give me tears, O God, as You once did to the woman who had sinned, and thus count me worthy to drench Your feet -- those feet which freed me from the path of error. As fragrant ointment let me offer You a life of purity acquired by me through repentance that I too may hear that voice for which i pray, saying: Your faith has saved you; go in peace!