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20525 Center Ridge Rd. #401
Rocky River, OH 44116
United States

(440) 941-4850

A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.


A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.

Words from the Saints -- September 24, 2019

Gerald Largent

“‘Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us…’ Anyone who has not forgiven from the bottom of the heart the brother or sister who has done him wrong will only obtain from this prayer his own condemnation, rather than any mercy. It will be his own action that draws in much more severe judgment on himself, seeing that in effect by these words we are asking God to behave as we have behaved ourselves.“ —St. John Cassian

“To learn Christ-like humility is a great good. To the man who knows humility life is smooth and joyous, and the heart finds all things pleasant. Only to the humble does the Lord reveal Himself in the Holy Spirit, and if we do not humble ourselves, then we shall not see God. Humility is the light in which we may behold the light which is God; in the words of the Psalmist: ‘In Your light shall we see light (Psalm 36:9).’” —St. St Silouan of Mt Athos

“Let us receive correction, beloved, on account of which no one should feel displeased. Those exhortations by which we admonish one another are both good and highly profitable, for they tend to unite us to the will of God.” —St. Clement of Rome

“A true Christian is made by faith and love toward Christ. Our sins do not in the least hinder our Christianity, according to the Word of the Savior Himself. He deigned to say: not the righteous have I come to call, but sinners to salvation; there is more joy in heaven over one who repents than over ninety righteous ones. Likewise, concerning the sinful woman who touched His feet, He deigned to say to the Pharisee, Simon: ‘To one who has love, a great debt is forgiven, but from one who has no love, even a small debt will be demanded.’ From these judgments a Christian should bring himself to hope and joy, and not in the least accept an inflicted despair. Here one needs the shield of faith.” —St. Herman of Alaska

“Therefore, don’t despair when you fall, but get up eagerly and... say, ‘Forgive me dear Christ. I am human and weak.’ The Lord has not abandoned you. But since you still have a great deal of worldly pride, a great deal of vainglory, our Christ lets you make mistakes and fall, so that you perceive and come to know your weaknesses every day, so that you become patient with others who make mistakes, and so that you do not judge the brethren when they make mistakes, but rather put up with them. —St. Joseph the Hesychast