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20525 Center Ridge Rd. #401
Rocky River, OH 44116
United States

(440) 941-4850

A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.


A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.

Words from the Saints -- January 28, 2021

Gerald Largent

"He who busies himself with the sins of others, or judges his brother on suspicion, has not yet even begun to repent or to examine himself so as to discover his own sins." --St. Maximos the Confessor

"If you have anything against any man, forgive it: you come here to receive forgiveness of sins, and thou also must forgive him that has sinned against you. Else with what face will you say to the Lord, 'Forgive me my many sins,' if you have not yourself forgiven your fellow-servant even his little sins." --St. Cyril of Jerusalem

"But it is one thing not to sin, another to do well. 'Depart from evil,' he says, 'and do good.' The first part we forsake, the second part we follow. In this last lies perfection." --St Jerome

"A great means to preserve continual peace and tranquility of soul is to receive everything from the hands of God, both great and small, and in whatever way it comes." --St. Dorotheus

"The book of Psalms heals the old wounds of the soul and gives relief to recent ones. It cures the illnesses and preserves the health of the soul. Every Psalm brings peace, soothes the internal conflicts, calms the rough waves of evil thoughts, dissolves anger, corrects and moderates immorality." --St. Basil the Great

"Do not think that every affliction is a consequence of sin. For there are some who do God's will and yet are tested. Thus it is written that the ungodly and wicked shall be persecuted (Psalm 37:28), but also that those who 'seek to live a holy life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution' (2 Timothy. 3:12)." --St. Mark the Ascetic