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20525 Center Ridge Rd. #401
Rocky River, OH 44116
United States

(440) 941-4850

A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.


A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.

Words from the Saints -- June 9, 2022

Gerald Largent

"God had One Son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering." --St. Augustine of Hippo

"Many a man curses the rain that falls upon his head, and knows not that it brings abundance to drive away the hunger." --St. Basil the Great

"Let us dedicate the spirit to the Father, the soul to the Son and the body to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit which will raise it again from dust." --St. Ephraim the Syrian

"By Christ's Passion our weakness was cured. By His Resurrection death was conquered. Still we have to be sorrowful for the world, as well as joyful in the Lord, sorrowful in penance, joyful in gratitude." --St. Ambrose of Milan

"Someone who is elated with wine speaks the truth on all subjects, even without meaning to. In the same way, anyone who is inebriated with the spirit of penitence will never be able to tell lies." --St. John Climacus

"Just as the gardener who does not weed his garden chokes his vegetables, so the mind that does not purify its thoughts is wasting its efforts." --St. Thalassios the Libyan