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20525 Center Ridge Rd. #401
Rocky River, OH 44116
United States

(440) 941-4850

A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.


A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.

Words from the Saints -- March 9, 2023

Gerald Largent

"Nothing is stronger than prayer in its action, nothing more effective in winning God's favor." --St. Mark the Ascetic

"The wickedness of men is hidden behind their backs." --St. Poemen

"Nothing so defiles and so makes impure the work of the hands of God as when someone begins to deify it and worship it like God, who created the universe....The Son of God and God came down to earth so as to recreate give life to him who had become dead, and to call him from deception and error." --St. Symeon the New Theologian