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20525 Center Ridge Rd. #401
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(440) 941-4850

A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.


A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.

Words from the Saints -- July 15, 2021

Gerald Largent

"My thought was with Saint Mary, the Mother of God, as she wept by the cross of the Savior. I wish I could always weep like that." --St. Poemen

"Perfume is not to be found in mud, nor the fragrance of love in the soul of a rancorous man." --St. Thalassios the Libyan

"Without temptations, it is not possible to learn the wisdom of the Spirit. It is not possible that Divine love be strengthened in your soul. Before temptations, a man prays to God as a stranger. When temptations are allowed to come by the love of God, and he does not give in to them, then he stands before God as a sincere friend. For in fulfilling the will of God, he has made war on the enemy of God and conquered him." --St. Isaac the Syrian

"In the spiritual life we can do nothing worthy without repentance, but the Lord has much mercy on us because of our intentions. He who compels himself and holds on to repentance until the end, even if he sins is saved because he compelled himself, for the Lord promised this in the Gospel." --St. Mark the Ascetic

"Everyone who loves God shows himself patient and steadfast in times of suffering. Whoever bears them bravely becomes strong and obedient to God, and whoever enters the path of following the will of God conquers his natural weakness. On the other hand, whoever does not recognize his own powerlessness is proud and not inclined to submit himself to the will of the Lord. Whoever does not submit to it and hopes only in his own power does not receive the power and help of God and, not having been strengthened in spirit, cannot become patient. But whoever does not endure misfortune and afflictions has not faith, and whoever does not have faith, does not love God." --St. Alexis of Senaki

Typica Service for July 14, 2021: The Holy Apostle Aquila, of the Seventy

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

On July 14, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Apostle Aquila, of the Seventy.

Today's prescribed readings are Romans 11:2-24 and Matthew 11:20-30.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be on Friday, July 16, at 7:30am (Eastern). ***

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, to shut-ins with computer access, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

Prayer List for the Week of July 11, 2021

Gerald Largent

For healing: Fr. Daniel, Fr. Ephraim, Fr. John, Matushka Myra, Matushka Katherine, Monk Meletios, Ross, Justin, Steven, Marian, Roger, Nancy, Claire, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, William, Annabelle, Alice, Kathleen, Jay, Denise, Denise, Heather, Alexander, John, Karen, Pamela, Robert, Peter, Eric, Michael, Melissa, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Rose Mary, Marianne, Timothy, Jon, Emily, Charles, Carlos, Hank, Nicholas, Katrina, Valentine, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Kathleen, Thomas, Mary Jo, Margaret, John, Jennifer, Clara, Joan, Sarah, Alex, Nicholas, Barbara, Margaret, Patricia, Alyssa, Danielle, Nicholas, Christopher, Tricia, Susan, Christopher, Joshua, Susan, Kathleen, Walter, Patty, Michael, Pantelitsa

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Fr. George, Nikolaos, Virginia, Ann, Audrey, Virginia, Terri, Maria, Irene, Charlaine

Readings for the Week of July 11, 2021

Gerald Largent

7/11: Romans 5:1-10; Matthew 6:22-33

7/12: Romans 9:18-33; Matthew 11:2-15

7/13: Romans 10:11-11:2; Matthew 11:16-20

7/14: Romans 11:2-24; Matthew 11:20-30

7/15: Galatians 1:11-19; John 10:1-9

7/16: Romans 11:25-36; Matthew 12:1-8

7/17: Galatians 3:23-29; 4:1-5; Mark 5:24-34

Typica Service for July 9, 2021: The Holy Hieromartyr Pancratius, Bishop of Tauromeneia

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

Let’s pause for a few minutes and worship the Holy Trinity together.

On July 9, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Hieromartyr Pancratius, Bishop of Tauromeneia.

Today's prescribed readings are Romans Romans 9:6-19 and Matthew 10:32-36; 11:1.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be on Monday, July 12, at 7:30am (Eastern). ***

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, to shut-ins with computer access, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

Typica Service for July 8, 2021; The Holy Great Martyr Procopius

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Glory Forever!

Let’s pause for a few minutes and worship the Holy Trinity together.

On July 8, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Great Martyr Procopius.

Today's prescribed readings are Romans 8:22-27 and Matthew 10:23-31.

*** Our next live broadcast on Facebook will be tomorrow, July 9, at 7:30am (Eastern). ***

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, to shut-ins with computer access, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

Words from the Saints -- July 8, 2021

Gerald Largent

"A man wanted to do evil, but first prayed as usual; and finding himself prevented by God, he was then extremely thankful." --St. Mark the Ascetic

"The Lord seeks a heart filled to overflowing with love for God and our neighbor; this is the throne on which He loves to sit and on which He appears in the fullness of His heavenly glory." --St. Seraphim of Sarov

"Patiently endure the distressing and painful things that befall you, for through them God in His providence is purifying you." --St. Thalassios the Libyan

"When a man severs himself from evil, he gains an exact understanding of all the sins he has committed against God..." --St. Isaiah the Solitary

"If you want spiritual health, listen to your conscience, do all it tells you, and you will benefit." --St. Mark the Ascetic

"When you hear that Christ descended into hell in order to deliver the souls dwelling there, do not think that what happens now is very different. The heart is a tomb and there our thoughts and our intellect are buried, imprisoned in heavy darkness. And so Christ comes to the souls in hell that call upon Him, descending, that is to say, into the depths of the heart; and there He commands death to release the imprisoned souls that call upon Him, for He has power to deliver us. Then, lifting up the heavy stone that oppresses the soul, and opening the tomb, He resurrects us--for we were truly dead--and releases our imprisoned soul from its light-less prison." --St. Makarios of Egypt

"A true man is one who understands that the body is corruptible and short-lived, whereas the soul is divine and immortal and, while being God's breath, is joined to the body to be tested and deified. Now he who has understood what the soul is regulates his life in a way that is just and conforms to God." --St. Anthony the Great

Typica Service for July 5, 2021; Our Venerable Father Athanasios of Athos

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Glory Forever!

Let’s pause for a few minutes and worship the Holy Trinity together.

On July 5, the Orthodox Church commemorates Our Venerable Father Athanasios of Athos.

Today's prescribed readings are Romans 7:1-13 and Matthew 9:36-10:8.

*** Our next Facebook broadcast will be tomorrow, July 6, at 7pm (Eastern). ***

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, to shut-ins with computer access, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

Prayer List for the Week of July 4, 2021

Gerald Largent

For healing: Fr. Daniel, Fr. Ephraim, Fr. John, Matushka Myra, Matushka Katherine, Monk Meletios, Ross, Justin, Steven, Marian, Roger, Nancy, Claire, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, William, Annabelle, Alice, Kathleen, Jay, Denise, Denise, Heather, Alexander, John, Karen, Pamela, Robert, Peter, Eric, Michael, Melissa, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Rose Mary, Marianne, Timothy, Jon, Emily, Charles, Carlos, Hank, Nicholas, Katrina, Valentine, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Kathleen, Thomas, Mary Jo, Margaret, John, Jennifer, Clara, Joan, Sarah, Alex, Nicholas, Barbara, Margaret, Patricia, Alyssa, Danielle, Nicholas, Christopher, Tricia, Susan, Christopher, Joshua, Susan, Kathleen, Walter, Patty, Michael

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Fr. George, Nikolaos, Virginia, Ann, Audrey, Virginia, Terri, Maria, Irene

Readings for the Week of July 4, 2021

Gerald Largent

7/4: Romans 2:10-16; Hebrews 11:33-12:2; Matthew 4:18-5:12

7/5: Romans 7:1-13; Matthew 9:36-10:8

7/6: Romans 7:14-8:2; Matthew 10:9-15

7/7: Romans 8:2-13; Matthew 10:16-22

7/8: Romans 8:22-27; Matthew 10:23-31

7/9: Romans 9:6-19; Matthew 10:32-36; 11:1

7/10: Romans 3:28-4:3; Matthew 7:24-8:4

Typica Service for July 2, 2021: Our Father among the Saints John Maximovitch, Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Glory Forever!

Let’s pause for a few minutes and worship the Holy Trinity together.

On July 2, the Orthodox Church commemorates Our Father among the Saints John Maximovitch, Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco.

The prescribed readings are Hebrews 7:26-8:2 and John 10:9-16.

*** Our next Facebook broadcast will be on Monday, July 5, at 7:30am (Eastern). ***

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, to shut-ins with computer access, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

Words from the Saints -- July 1, 2021

Gerald Largent

"Hell can't be made attractive, so the devil makes attractive the road that leads there." --St. Basil the Great

"Love every man in spite of his falling into sin. Never mind the sins, but remember that the foundation of the man is the same - the image of God." --St. John of Kronstadt

"We must not mind insulting men, if by respecting them we offend God." --St. John Chrysostom

"There are many differing methods of prayer. No method is harmful; if it were, it would be not prayer but the activity of Satan." --St. Mark the Ascetic

"Destroy within you the devil’s rule over you; destroy all his influence over you; acquire spiritual freedom." --St. Ignatius Brianchaninov

"Ever let mercy outweigh all else in you. Let our compassion be a mirror where we may see in ourselves that likeness and that true image which belong to God. A heart hard and unmerciful will never be pure." --St. Isaac of Syria

Prayer List for the Week of June 27, 2021

Gerald Largent

For healing: Fr. Daniel, Fr. Ephraim, Fr. John, Matushka Myra, Matushka Katherine, Monk Meletios, Ross, Justin, Steven, Marian, Roger, Nancy, Claire, Patricia, Mark, Nikolai, Anastasia, William, Annabelle, Alice, Kathleen, Jay, Denise, Denise, Heather, Alexander, John, Karen, Pamela, Robert, Peter, Eric, Michael, Melissa, Marianne, Ryan, Joanne, Rose Mary, Marianne, Timothy, Jon, Emily, Charles, Carlos, Hank, Nicholas, Katrina, Valentine, Mary Jane, Nicholas, Alicia, Kathleen, Thomas, Mary Jo, Margaret, John, Jennifer, Clara, Joan, Sarah, Alex, Nicholas, Barbara, Margaret, Patricia, Alyssa, Danielle, Nicholas, Christopher, Tricia, Susan, Christopher, Joshua, Susan, Kathleen, Walter, Patty, Michael

For God’s protection: all captives; all persecuted Christians throughout the world

For God’s protection: all those in the military

For God’s mercy and peace: those who are in hospice care

For God’s mercy, direction and protection: those who are unemployed, poor, hungry and/or homeless

*** We pray for: those who love us; those who hate us; those who have no one to pray for them; those who have asked us to pray for them, even though we are unworthy. ***

Departed: Aurel, Nikolaos, Virginia, Ann, Audrey, Virginia, Terri, John, Julia

Readings for the Week of June 27, 2021

Gerald Largent

6/27: Hebrews 11:33-12:2; Matthew 10:32-33, 37-38; 19:27-30

6/28: Romans 2:28-3:18; 4:4-12; Matthew 6:21-7:9-11, 15-23

6/29: 2 Corinthians 11:21-12:9; Matthew 16:13-19

6/30: 1 Corinthians 4:9-16; Mark 3:13-19

7/1: Romans 4:13-25; 5:10-16; Matthew 8:23-27

7/2: Romans 5:17-6:2; Matthew 9:14-17

7/3: Romans 3:19-26; Matthew 7:1-8

Typica Service for June 25, 2021; Sixth Day of Pentecost; The Holy Virgin Martyr Febronia of Palmyra

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

St. Panteleimon Orthodox Christian Outreach thanks you for joining us as we worship the Holy Trinity.

Today is June 25, 2021. It is the Sixth Day of Pentecost. On this day of the month the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Virgin Martyr Febronia of Palmyra.

The prescribed readings are Romans 1:28-2:9, 14-29 and Matthew 5:27-41.

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

To learn more about the St. Panteleimon ministry, please click here:

We invite you to sign up to receive our weekly devotional:

If you would like to support our work, we would graciously accept your donation:

St. Panteleimon's is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible.

Our ministry operates under the spiritual umbrella of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Lakewood, OH:

Words from the Saints -- June 24, 2021

Gerald Largent

"Through the Holy Spirit comes our restoration to paradise, our ascension into the kingdom of heaven, our return to the adoption of sons, our liberty to call God our Father, our being made partakers of the grace of Christ, our being called children of light, our sharing in eternal glory, and, in a word, our being brought into a state of all “fulness of blessing,” both in this world and in the world to come, of all the good gifts that are in store for us, by promise hereof, through faith, beholding the reflection of their grace as though they were already present, we await the full enjoyment." --St. Basil the Great

"We are not asked merely to call ourselves Christians; we are asked to be Christians through our deeds." --St. Ignatius of Antioch

"We must begin with thanksgiving for everything. The beginning of joy is to be content with your situation." --St. Ambrose of Optina

"Always let mercy outweigh everything else in you. A hard and unmerciful heart will never be pure." --St. Isaac of Syria

"Stand patiently and pray steadfastly, brushing off the impacts of worldly cares and all thoughts; for they distract and worry you in order to disturb the motivation of your prayer." --St. Nilus of Mount Sinai

"We must keep in mind that whatever we do, openly or in secret, we do in the presence of our guardian angel." --St. Nikolai of Zicha

Typica Service for June 23, 2021; Fourth Day of Pentecost; Holy Virgin Martyr Agrippina

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

St. Panteleimon Orthodox Christian Outreach thanks you for joining us as we worship the Holy Trinity.

Today is June 23, 2021. It is the Fourth Day of Pentecost. On this day of the month the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Virgin Martyr Agrippina.

The prescribed readings are Romans 1:18-27 and Matthew 5:20-26.

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

To learn more about the St. Panteleimon ministry, please click here:

We invite you to sign up to receive our weekly devotional:

If you would like to support our work, we would graciously accept your donation:

St. Panteleimon's is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible.

Our ministry operates under the spiritual umbrella of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Lakewood, OH:

Typica Service for June 22, 2021; 3rd Day of Pentecost; St Eusebios of Samosata; St Alban of Britain

Gerald Largent

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

St. Panteleimon Orthodox Christian Outreach thanks you for joining us as we worship the Holy Trinity.

Today is June 22, 2021. It is the Third Day of Pentecost. On this day of the month the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Priestmartyr Eusebios, Bishop of Samosata; and the Holy Martyr Alban, the first martyr of Britain.

The prescribed readings are Romans 1:1-7, 13-17 and Matthew 4:25-5:13.

The St. Panteleimon Ministry serves senior living communities (nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.) throughout Northeast Ohio. Prior to the pandemic, we frequently held Orthodox group prayer services, like the one in this video, at various locations in our area. From 2010-2020 the ministry held more than 2,600 services for those who cannot get to church on a regular basis. At the present time, our ministry continues in the form of prayer service videos that are offered to the communities we serve, and to the general public. We hope to be able to resume in-person services with our residents soon.

To learn more about the St. Panteleimon ministry, please click here:

We invite you to sign up to receive our weekly devotional:

If you would like to support our work, we would graciously accept your donation:

St. Panteleimon's is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible.

Our ministry operates under the spiritual umbrella of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Lakewood, OH: